About us

P-DaKH is a co-operation between the Global Phosphorus Institute and the University for Continuing Education (Danube University) Krems is dedicated to collecting, analysing and providing reliable data on all stages of the phosphate cycle and to make scientific insight and expert knowledge available to policy makers, business leaders and the general public.

GPI | Global Phosphorus Institute
UWK – Universität für Weiterbildung Krems

The project is overseen by a joint steering board with the following members:
J.K. Whalen       G. Steiner
A. El Hourari     R. W. Scholz
A. Aguneaou     M. Raddant

Our Team

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Gerald Steiner

Co-Lead Science

Prof.em. Dr. Roland W. Scholz

Co-Lead Science

Dr. Matthias Raddant

Co-Lead Science


Prof. Dr. Ing. Dr. h.c.mult.
Friedrich-W. Wellmer

Co-Lead Practice

Michael C. Mew

Co-Lead Practice

Md Humayain Kabir, MSc MS


Md. Humayain Kabir | LinkedIn

Iman Asadi, Ph.D.


Iman Asadi | LinkedIn

Sonja Aschauer


Mag. Günther Schreder
